There is a FREE LUNCH!

That’s right a free lunch! Come to one of our Wednesday club meetings  and see what Kiwanis is all about.

We meet at noon on the second and fourth Wednesdays at     Bartolinos South, 5914 S Lindbergh,  63123,  in South St. Louis County   (314) 487-4545

You will meet everyday folks, like yourself, who became members, who want to make a difference in our community.

If you can set aside one afternoon, we will show how you can impact someone’s life. Once you see how rewarding, helping a child or a mother in need can be, you will wonder why you didn’t get involve sooner. There are a lot of unfortunate people in our world. Only a person like you, that takes time out of your busy schedule, can help some one in need.

So don’t wait any longer, come have a free lunch on us and change a life forever!

Chartered July 22, 1937